

The slumbering giant awakes! After pretty much neglecting our web presence for most of the past ever, we're finally (and, I hope, with a lot of continued help) putting a concerted effort into generating a useful stream of interesting and attractive stuff related to hand-painted signs and lettering, and whatever else is transpiring in life at New Bohemia.

I've enlisted a friend, Rani, to co-ordinate our efforts, and I'm nudging our assembled NBS peeps to (as I understand we say in the web business) generate content.  We're actually on Facebook--it's true!--and would you believe: we tweet!  Okay, so maybe it's me who doesn't hardly believe it... but regardless: I'm gonna keep yappin' and snappin', and postin' and hostin'...  er, I think "hosting" means something different online.  I mean "hosting", as in a party, so, um, you're invited!  Tell your friends!  I'll go see if I can find some appropriate music...