Link love

A couple of days ago we got a darling email from Katie in Missouri, telling us that Draplin's blog "was saying how great your stuff is. So I checked it out and WOW you guys are great. I really dig your stuff. Keep doing what you do. Your style is totally inspiring. LOVE IT!" So, I looked up Draplin, and he's got himself a fun little corner of the web.  Kind of a link aggregator, mostly of nifty design ideas, mostly of an industrial post-war era vibe, but of plenty more besides.  Google finds us in there a couple of times at least, most recently this past week, wherein he offers us his design services--which, given the kinds of resources I've been enjoying lately, could work well for us all; and last month a Draplin reader sent him a link to our Flickr set, which he seemed to think showed the "state of contemporary signage" in San Francisco.  I only wish we were so omnipresent!

While I was searching those out, a mention in another design blog, Neusblog, showed up, too.

Might as well take this opportunity to throw out a few more self-referential links that have popped up on our radar lately: we have someone coming in to practice brush lettering, who'd read about us on Grain Edit (now that I look at it, seems that post came via Draplin, too). They're talking there about the Sign Painter Movie project, for which we were interviewed at the shop back in April.  On the movie's blog there's a picture of Josh painting the transom at Benny Gold's, who himself posted some shots of the work we've done for him, in a couple of places online.

Now, I think I'm gonna go while away some afternoon over Draplin's way...